Jade: Take the cake!

CTA: that's 0k, i'm happy t0 learn t0 be a part 0f my b0dy, t0 make me fully alive again? als0 fully blind.

CTA: why don't you ju2t turn two your neiighbor2 door and warn them about how 2tupiid you are.

CTA: it's hard t0 explain it.

CTA: hey change of plan, we arent playiing thii2 game 2uck2 and aa can back me up on the 2ubject.

CTA: KK iim 2orry but really iit2 kiind of pii22iing me off.

CTA: maybe they know we made them? maybe iit'2 two late for that, but yeah, i can tell y0u are b0th enj0ying this, i can see it.

The exhibit of meteorological phenomena, then go ahead. What do you mean.

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