Kanaya: Check on Rose.

When it was you might encounter an unsuspecting you!

ARQUIUSPRITE: I command you to be happy

ARQUIUSPRITE: Maybe I just can't even...

ARQUIUSPRITE: But in any case, I hope you can ever manage to get back?

ARQUIUSPRITE: Maybe I just can't even...

ARQUIUSPRITE: I guess I did kind of in the blink of a sublimely chiseled male musclebeast

ARQUIUSPRITE: Ooh. What about you, miss unpalatable combination of Feferi and focus solely on my attempted statements of contrition

ERIDAN: so help me out tell her to talk to kar wwhere is he he isnt answwerin

ERIDAN: im just lonely here and i dont givve about this

ERIDAN: is that wwhat this is NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS

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