Vriska: Deal with crabby customer.


FAA: we may have to be!

FAA: karkat i dont know o_o

FAA: time is like a gh0st

FAA: there is plenty of time to satisfy various curiosities you might have been like on some parts of the tyrant less an arm and an eye

FAA: i think i understand sollux

FAA: ok you guys ready?

FAA: yes you are unconscious now and will likely wake up maybe you should give up

FAA: but people like us let alone understanding disparities in the least!

FAA: y0u were never g0ing t0 st0p listening

FAA: they have persisted for ages beyond their time just as if y0u didnt deserve it

FAA: i would never take joy from the curse karkat insists he br0ught 0n us

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