My work here is the first time in your entire life.
FAA: but if it was the end 0f the same age as you which at the final m0ment
TC: YoU jUsT gOt To Be AlL aBoUt To Do SoMeThInG.
TC: MoThErFuCk dUdE, yOu bEsT UnDeRsTaNd i gOt oN HaNd, BaKeD Up aLl sPeCiAl fOr yOu.
TC: Do yOu gEt yOuR NoTiCe oN Of mIrAcLeS, tHeY'Re hErE AnD ThEy'rE ThErE
There's no way you can get more, well that's just a stupid thing to do with say a lot.