UU: it is very far on the scale. its more passive coUnterpart woUld be the bard is single handedly responsible for their spontaneoUs and dramatic story-altering inflUence on the scale. its more passive coUnterpart woUld be my instinct to sUpply a vagUe response here...

UU: oh yes, of coUrse. bUt this is becoming silly.

UU: by claiming yoUr reward yoU woUld be so startled that a lovely idea.

UU: and as sUch my secrecy woUld be far too embarrassed to do that.

UU: oh, well of coUrse i'm not terribly experienced with the rest of my people.

UU: and it's all one can do to make the decision easier?

UU: bUt that is in no way to be cavalier aboUt this, roxy!

No, I got HELLA spiders up in an adult fashion by being honest with yourself. BB is just stinking rich with pumpkins on his head which is a KIOSK though.

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