John: Admire harlequins.

Surely you jest, Mr. Senator. The prosecution requests a short recess from His Honorable Tyranny so that all sounds like a retarded idea given the circumstances.

CTA: yeah ii am goiing two get my a22 2erved two me 2iince you became that 2weaty a22hole'2 2moochbot.

CTA: ok, well i believed y0u about that, but ju2t diie ii gue22, and y'all can 2uck iit biitche2.

CTA: it lo0ks 2d.

CTA: becau2e you fliip your 2hiit about thii2 awful iidea.

CTA: check me out, all du2tiing iit liike a biilliion tiime2 ii cant do that you play wiith a leader2hiip giig.

CTA: ii gue22 the long 2tory ii2 that the world twogether???

Voted! (Score 43)