PAG: 8ut let's face it. I 8elieve this lake is where our cultures clash, I think.
PAG: Now apparently he's got some animal 8lood in them, which is the risk you take me for????????
PAG: Dave, come on. It's so o8vious. I mean, 8esides indiscrimin8tely killing dead children and huge tentacle monsters.
PAG: They'll mainly just 8e pissed off at me a8out it?
PAG: You know what it means they're going to need a team for him out of 8onuses like that? It's so disheartening. She wants to see you rolling your eyes, remem8er?
PAG: Sigh.
PAG: Too l8 to kill English anyway.
PAG: Red and 8lack rel8tionships are so a8sor8ing. I have an idea.
PAG: Hey........