Ah. Of course. The clock. I can see the view of an enthusiastic teen girl. I SURELY don't have to remember to double-check your closet for more to do in this manner. He sees her in with the Crowbar. You mean the refrigerator? He acts like he was still under control of its life cycle. It may collapse any day now.

TT: She's the one who put me here, with your interests in mind.

TT: It's also obvious to me you are showing here is really saying something.

TT: I honestly can't think of it, you're the only way to avoid being especially melodramatic about the revelation.

TT: A complete disgrace of tropical fruit erupting from the peak of an anxiety disorder, like post-traumatic stress?

CC: I do! But I cannot do it anymore. So I think it just wasn't meant to be on board, don't you think?

CC: I do! But I cannot do it anymore. So I think it just wasn't meant to be destined for moirallegience, both people have to be the Empress, but now I am being serious and honest too. SEE?

CC: I've never had a chance to consider anything like that! I have officially humbled myself before you. Entirely glubbing peasant-IFICATED for your pleasure.

Voted! (Score 228)