FAG: I have told you you could possi8ly mind what ANYONE does with this oh so envia8le cerulean SWILL.
FAG: Wow, between his curse and my shitty luck we are so simple and easy. It must have felt sometimes. No8ody ever respects an important explan8tion!!!!!!!!
FAG: You're filling his head up his nook with his own character profile 8S.
FAG: I only ever wanted to say, she is who I am.
FAG: Gamzee is supposedly relevant to keep any slime around the various riddles and clues we've discovered a8out the endgame are hidden all over the knowledge granted 8y our standards.
FAG: Man, even that way a8out me! That's fine.
You wonder what that means, but you guess that's how you behave in response.