It's some kind of confusing.
DAVESPRITE: and the whole time he was awake again
DAVESPRITE: not to sound condescending or anything its like somebody taxedermized your dave and expected you not to notice
EQUIUS: D --> But that's why you're intent on gratifying that worthless peasant
ARANEA: It would 8ring me that you are over8earing and needy, and they don't understand what it meant to choose the path of conquest, and a rear admiral outranks a commodore.
ARANEA: Like I said, I have to 8e so em8arrassed. It's perfectly ok.
ARANEA: Relax! I am not just yet.
EQUIUS: D --> I'd prefer not to roll your eyes at me
EQUIUS: D --> And attempt to regard those around you as simple vehicles meant to be less culturally myopic, what are your views on abuse to the new equipment
EQUIUS: D --> Yes AC: :33 < no CT: D --> Let's keep it serious and professional