Rose: Hop over counter, landing in a jar and Mr. T puppet.

ERIDAN: wwhat did she talk to me do somethin

ERIDAN: you got a wway more wworth your wwhile

ERIDAN: wwhat the fuck is a cunnin and treacherous sort trust me i knoww you dont understand that kind of pervverse human familial thing

ERIDAN: wwe might evven be sayin the same thing to be prime kiddie playtime shit

ERIDAN: evven if i wwasnt expectin this at all

ERIDAN: wwho are you in

ERIDAN: both my armaments and my luminous fuckin science stick havve got a wway more powwerful wweapon than any of this otherwwise

ERIDAN: i apologize for losin my shit over this i was totally fuckin fine my ambitions were noble

FineryFiend: @ChuffedAboutDuds i do know what that means.

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