CAG: Well ok, I'm just going to keep you comfy in your hive, and you deserve each other. Oh w8, except she h8tes you!!!!!!!! Ahahahahahahahaha. Even the pale ones.
CAG: 8ut I'm getting what I mean, days full of ideas.
CAG: I guess we'd need to have unique predilections and motives when you used to them!
TA: maybe they know we made them? maybe iit'2 two late for that, but yeah, i can see that.
FCA: wwho givves a shit wwhy she blocked me or about my fuckin manners come on noww evveryone fuckin KNOWWS this memos rubbish
FCA: wwhatevver wwe wwill just play and find out i thought you said youd try to make it official and be cleansed by the light of truth purity nonfakeness hope and abovve all SCIENCE
FCA: so you might as wwell make it to you again
FCA: so help me out tell her to talk to kar wwhere is he he isnt answwerin