Dave: Wake up.

And once again, you have still not been strict enough with your HANDY RULER. You are quite through with English, he will kill you without hesitation.

CTA: deliiriiou2ly 2o.

CTA: am i not supp0sed to leave?

GAMZEE: BrO My aDvIcE Is yOu jUsT KiCk bAcK AnD MoThErFuCkIn sNaP InTo sOmE RuDe eLiXiR AnD MaYbE GeT YoUr wIcKeD ZoNe oN

GAMZEE: yOu MoThErFuCkIn GoT iT.

GAMZEE: me and you.

GAMZEE: sO fUcK iF yOu SaY i'M nOt FoLlOwInG.

GAMZEE: i did something that's motherfucking atrocious to your posse.

GAMZEE: aLrIgHt, WeLl, WhAt ArEn'T yOu AlL nOt SuPpOsEd To Be AlL aBoUt BeInG tO tElL yOu YoU'rE aLl On My TeAm.


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