> Skulligan Malone
SOLLUX: 2o forget iit, ju2t go back two whatever you were doiing.
SOLLUX: wa2 iit the matchiing ruiin2 2iite?
SOLLUX: y0u kn0w, f0rget it.
FTC: aW sHiT bRo, I dOn'T kNoW.
FTC: BeCaUsE My hOrNs iM AlL AbOuT ArE ThEsE FuNnY HoNk hOrNs InStEaD oF hEaD hOrNs
FTC: A FiSt fUlL Of sTaRdUsT'S WhAt's pOoFiN My fAcE
SOLLUX: why didn't y0u tell me that, what gives? 0r that y0u might have changed, like learned t0 be awes0mely sympathetic t00 my terrible new pr0blem, aa.
SOLLUX: aw shit n0...
SOLLUX: oh yeah, ii am awe2ome about that for 2ure.
SOLLUX: waiit.
SOLLUX: no no, ii mean 2omeone from OUR uniiver2e, the one we ju2t made.
SOLLUX: 2ome crazy technology AA dug out of your fuckiing 2ponge2.