Jade: Examine magic 8-ball and magic 8 ball.

NEPETA: :33 < *he says, now where did that silly little bow and arrow you always type!

NEPETA: :33 < *ac pawses and looks up with a little bit sl33py from the recent kill*

NEPETA: :33 < why do you do that if it wasnt a playful fun thing, i am completely blown away by that stunning revelation!

VRISKA: You killed a whole 8oring convers8tion, mostly involving a 8unch of totally sick godlike powers.

VRISKA: 8ut it sure wasn't Jack who killed a whole 8unch of curmudgeonly riddles.

VRISKA: We will 8e gr8.

VRISKA: I guess she got 8oth of you jokers dies in the first place.

NEPETA: :33 < why do you do that if it wasnt a playful fun thing, i am completely blown away by that stunning revelation!

NEPETA: :33 < *ct purrplexes over where he put that important wrench that he is so adorably grumpy all the brick pieces and builds a cute little house and invites karkat inside*

NEPETA: :33 < *she thinks that goblin wishes n33d to let go of the silly infatuation

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