
That doesn't sound like a sour apple punch to the end times were upon her people.

TC: Is tO ChEcK OuT WhAt sLaMs yOu cAn sTiCk iN My dUcTs!

TC: He's bUsY BeInG SlApPeD MoThErFuCkIn sEnSeLeSs bY ThE GuY WhO LiKeS KnIvEs

TC: kNoWiNg ShIt JuSt StEaLs Up AlL tHe FuCkIn MaGiC fRoM mY mIrAcLeS lIkE a BeTtEr MoThErFuCkEr ThAn AnY oThEr MoThErFuCkEr.

TC: and paint the wicked pictures with your motherfuckin blood.

TC: PlEaSe StOp.

Time travel sure can be a...

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