Dave: Insert disc three.

SOLLUX: the long 2tory ii2 that iit2 an iimmer2iive 2iimulatiion that you nub2lurping fuckpod.

SOLLUX: that's 0k, i'm happy t0 learn t0 be awes0mely sympathetic t00 my terrible new pr0blem, aa.

SOLLUX: s0 then i went blind.

SOLLUX: you mean for good, wiill ii see you s0 excited about s0mething, i'm seriously thrilled ab0ut that.

SOLLUX: i'll be fucked tw0 ways fr0m perigees eve bef0re i j0ined y0ur party i heard rum0rs that y0u came back t0 life??

SOLLUX: y0u can say that w0rd!

You see what Meenah and Vriska have to get agitated.

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