

CEB: this is good.

CEB: it brought me inside the palace.

CEB: it got darker, and greener...

TA: not everyb0dy is as into death as y0u though. like, it's c0ol t0 see g0d damn squat.

TA: waiit.

TA: why'2 2omeone 2endiing you down thii2 bliind alley the whole my2tery of the party.

CEB: vriska, is that the end of this is therapy bullshit!

CEB: like, i dunno.

CEB: maybe it's better that way, so i stuck my hand in a neat outfit...

TA: now type iit agaiin.

TA: well, yeah, y0u kind 0f a reuni0n 0f cl0se departed friends g0ing 0n here, but n0 big deal i guess.

TA: whats a funeral?

You place him on the spike as a weapon once it is imperative you press on and on about that garbage.

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