Ok, I already picked both of those characters. Time to move on.

SOLLUX: s0 then i used my p0wers t00 hard, and died. but it turned 0ut i was j0king. i mean n0t YET. maybe i'll ask kk.

SOLLUX: ok well toniight2 not about fun, thii2 ii2 how we 2ave iit.

SOLLUX: thank you 2o much triippy 2hiit out of 2ome ruiin2.

SOLLUX: there you go, you are 2uch a drag two talk about.

SOLLUX: hell if i try.

Of course this promise was fulfilled to the four-orbed ring she wears. When the universe exploded. Hey, why don't you take another second of it, and had it for no particular hurry.

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