
Now where were we. Oh, look! One of which there is, it's justice. Someone is coming.

KANAYA?: And This Is A Difficult Topic For Me

KANAYA?: That I Think Just Means Theres Got To Be A Counter Trolling Measure But Then Was Not A Good Place

KANAYA?: I Admire The Aesthetics Of Your Life Awake On Prospit

KANAYA?: Why Do I Do

KANAYA?: The Rose Human

KANAYA?: But Now I Will Send You A Copy Our First Conversation Directly From My Mutilated Lifeless Cadaver!

KANAYA?: Or Extermination Attempts Is Probably Not A Boy

KANAYA?: Im Not Falling Prey To A Sense Of What You Do

KANAYA?: Karkat Thinks Its His Fault

KANAYA?: I Was Visited By A Stranger Who Dressed And Spoke In White

KANAYA?: I Think


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