They are probably differing species within the same one you slaughtered earlier, and yet unlike the typical sylladexer this modus you think you're totally fed up with that?
CTA: waiit.
CTA: mo2tly, what doe2 that mean?
CTA: the explanation for all the stuff i just heard is s0 weird, what am i talking like y0u suddenly?
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < im actually on my way to go fight lord english
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < kinda turbulent i guess davesprite had some old issues with his bro he never really sorted out but hey im not him either!
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < jasprose!!
CTA: TZ you want for the vii2iion2 two be nothiing but trouble for u2.
CTA: n0 n0t literally, i was 0nly half blind.