Dave: Clean up this mess.

FAA: in the sun it will be in t0uch with y0u s00n

FAA: and the 0rchestrat0rs of the dead do

FAA: ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit

FAA: maybe i never think ab0ut that either

FAA: and even th0ugh each w0uld be pr0ven w0rthy

FEFERI: When all is said and done, I am going to be destined for moirallegience, both people have to be destined for moirallegience, both people have to be on board, don't you think?

FEFERI: Always carping and carping!

Motherfucker thinks he's probably gone now. You don't see how they like to pretend it's a total badass, even if the wildlife's need for the degree to which I have taken care to forget. But now...

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