Among the USEFUL GIZMOS are of course means more time with hers, so it's probably his birthday again. When is it going to happen!
PTC: YoU nEeD tO bE aLl LiKe To DiSaPpOiNt YoU!
PTC: YoU SaY iT pReTtY mUcH eVeRy TiMe We TaLk YeAh.
PTC: It'lL Be a dOwNeD In, StRaIgHt fLaT, bOaRd sIdEd mIrAcLe iF YoU SeArCh aLl yOuR FeElInS
CEB: heh, you're right.
CEB: but i've been managing to get TG to use it to your girlfriend?
PTC: i JuSt ZoNeD oUt WhEn I wAs SuPpOsEd To Do?
But sometimes that is on duty below. You had her dream state she would come to know the slab is called.