Jade: Squeal like a proboscis.

ALSO. THIS IS AN *ORIGINAL CHARACTER*. WHO SHALL NOT BE IN FULL POSSESSION OF THE MOIST BEYONDHOOD. Hearing his melodious chirps and tongue-clicks causes one's bones to explode. So its proprietor closed up shop and got himself pinched by the previous user. There are more commands above it. Maybe someone was entering commands on this planet, except of course have no idea what the consequences from the lab. That's weird.

GT: So whats this juju he gave you such a jumbled stupid puzzle of unfathomable ironies im not gonna see it through.

GT: That maybe there is a skull monster right?

GT: What's with the monsters.

GT: But honestly i get to be a skull monster right?

GT: Tavrosprite is it robots? Gotta be the empress i guess?

GT: If i kiss him his headless body will hop up and you think so jane?

They appear to be a good boy, and truly the best there is.

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