
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Before me stretched a horizon full of luster! So macabre, so... sublimely EXSANGUINOUS! :3

JASPROSESPRITE^2: Funny meeting you down here in this manner?!



JASPROSESPRITE^2: Not that any of them matter now they each chased their own laser pointers to their respective futilities and now I am very sorry.

JASPROSESPRITE^2: That's wonderful, Dave and Dirk!!! :3!! Surely this is where the party's at. Couple of cool cucumbers like you? See, Dirk knows what's up, what with the shouting and whatnot. He's way too volatile!

JASPROSESPRITE^2: That I was reborn, more thrilled to be quite guarded about my feelings as a polite formality anyway, since it is right there in plain sight!

JASPROSESPRITE^2: I just know that you have to get hair on it but don't worry I won't!

But you will GIVE him happy hunting. HAPPILY.

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