Dave: Resist great urge to ride bro's rocket board.

You hope Crockercorp was a box of hot piss and it shoots lots of badasses out there somewhere. Waiting for the aesthetic strongly overpowers instinctive regard for the above animation which has already transpired on a minute. These are TEENS.

CTA: but it's 0k, i'm 0k with it th0ugh, i'm fine, i mean, d0n't say it again literally, because that's kind 0f the sens0ry impaired, why d0n't y0u bite me.

CTA: well shit, why can't i just kn0w that she is happy and 0k right n0w.

CTA: hey maybe we can make the be2t of the ruiin2 a2 exciitiing a2 you, ok?

CTA: bro youre not the red leader ii2.

CTA: god ii am not the two triick hoofbea2t you want two be the leader fiine talk two you becau2e iin ca2e you havent notiiced ii de2pii2e my2elf and you and not 2ome other fuckiing 2chlub from retardatiion row.

Voted! (Score 225)