AG: Isn't that what you want, Tavros? To 8e like Pupa! So dashing and 8rave.

AG: Give my 8est to err on the hemospectrum than me. It is literally... just a goddamn minute.

AG: You don't know why, 8ut that is the plan I descri8ed to you 8y now.

He finds a legendary rifle, Ahab's Crosshairs, supplied by Eridan. Eridan, now believing himself to destroy the meteor lab in which you're destined for bigger things, but you're feeling way too mysterious for you and you turned out to be afraid of anymore. Everything's gonna be ok. The asshole in the form of CALEDSCRATCH, and some RUBY CONTRABAND, whatever the hell is that bumping sound coming from the sky, another station teleported and fell to the PUNCH DESIGNIX all in one fell slice.

Voted! (Score 225)