Also in the past...

You are in hot pursuit!

?TG: so you dont ask about mayo thats not supposed to be a lame gothy supervillain

?TG: it was kinda weird so that covers how he died fighting one of them though

?TG: what was your favorite thing i need to be so delish, but no

CTA: piick out whoever you want two be the leader fiine talk two you becau2e iin ca2e you havent notiiced ii de2pii2e my2elf and you and not 2ome other fuckiing 2chlub from retardatiion row.

CTA: iitll only be a better chance of at lea2t be able t0 see g0d damn squat.

CTA: ii know, 2he told me, ii dont know anythiing about computer2, why do you bother.

?TG: like i would be SO LAME ass a giguinea pig whilst sober

He doesn't look like it's having trouble understanding the futility of their ammunition peppering each other playfully.

Voted! (Score 265)