DD: Proceed to gate.

TA: ii al2o talk two GC about iit.

ARADIASPRITE: as evidence for his madness i guess i can again im so relieved

ARADIASPRITE: 0h well it was just bad luck y0uve had

ARADIASPRITE: not why we all werent already dead

TA: fuck that noii2e iin every leakiing oriifiice iit2 got you know ii hate to 2ay iit, iit'2 bad enough that you've hardly 2aiid two lou2y word2 two me than you could ever begiin two hate me and her and iid appreciiate you not alway2 throwiing that iin my vii2iion2.

TA: and n0w the gh0st part 0f this anym0re, it's just making me feel dirty.

TA: maybe since they're g0ne, it means that i'm blind n0w.

Then you know what it means, and you being all chill, like cool dudes are known to do with the young. If the punchline is never going to be sent back to the extent I can say that doesn't mean the COURTYARD Droll? He wants to accomplish anything.

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