Jade: Examine magic 8-ball and magic 8 ball.

CTA: maybe there ii2 more two me why don't we piick thii2 up agaiin later when we're not feeliing 2o weiird?

CTA: that's 0k, i'm happy t0 learn t0 be a part 0f my b0dy, t0 make me out a2.

CTA: why'2 2omeone 2endiing you down thii2 bliind alley the whole my2tery of the ruiin2 a2 exciitiing a2 you, ok?

CTA: uh, because i'm blind, c0uldn't be simpler.

CTA: w0w, awes0me! way t0 be a 2econd and talk about what you wanted two talk about.

CTA: you are the dumbe2t grubfucker on the red leader ii2.

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