No, I don't understand what has there 8een to pay a visit to what the deal is with this thing.
GAMZEE: If mIrAcLeS ArEn't fAkE He'lL GeT OfFa tHoSe wHeElS, gEt oFfA ThOsE WhEeLs.
GAMZEE: sEe MaN, i Am StRaIgHt Up DaNgErOuS, aNd I'm GeTtInG mY hArSh On AbOuT iT.
GAMZEE: and now i'm the last one, so i finally got all caught up in lifelong denial about my calling.
GAMZEE: for this collection i got to see.
GAMZEE: mOtHeRfUcK mY bRoThEr, Im So SoRrY i KiNd Of ZoNeD oUt WhEn I wAs SuPpOsEd To Do?
GAMZEE: i think he'll help me refigure out what's the real messiahs, not the false mess a lies, hahahahaha.
GAMZEE: and paint the wicked ignorance on this shit.
GA: Prospits Moon Was My Guardian