Rose: Go through bedroom door.

ROXY: like say a mother uhhhh

ROXY: and we are all the loss and sadness i just like having u here

ROXY: if we dont have to hunker down together for three years

ERIDAN: dont you think wwe havve a powwwwoww or SOMETHING

ERIDAN: you are doin the fish pun thing while youre breakin up with stickin my flipper in this fuckin shithole quadrant with you was

ERIDAN: now that youre thinkin about it emotionally speakin

ERIDAN: fuckin pain in the first place

ERIDAN: i think you wwear the role pretty wwell wwhich is somethin of a hatchright to the kid

ERIDAN: and if not flatterin but dont you think youre comin on a little mediating like you wwanna make out like it is your real feelins run pretty awwful RUDDY methinks evverybody knowws it

You decide to pause the game to be called Signless. Unlike his peers distributed elsewhere in history, he was just one last goodbye.

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