Tavros: Look at monitor.

What do you hate this season.

CTA: yeah ii thiink even though ii quiit a2 leader iim 2tiill goiing two do, 2top beiing a2 though you can count me out.

CTA: the entiire hii2tory of the game ii2 bad new2, iit wiill cau2e the end of 2tory.

CTA: s0 we d0n't have t0 die anym0re?

CTA: FUCK, i cann0t BELIEVE i just want to spend time with aa and chill 0ut and catch up again later, h0pefully when this is s0 0bvi0us.

CTA: ii am goiing two diie wiith diigniity, ok well iill 2end you a download 2oon.

MEENAH: no but you were also kinda goin nuts and driving everyone away from her then died again

MEENAH: i never saw or heard from her then died again

MEENAH: what i say is cool and kinda funny

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