WV: Fiddle with the CD on the floor.

NEPETA: :33 < all you have no idea X33

NEPETA: :33 < did you die?

NEPETA: :33 < *the especially impurrtant pouncellor looks really serious and thoughtful as she is refurring to the flushed quadrant

NEPETA: :33 < *ac pawses and looks up with a couple of smug grins on her face*

NEPETA: :33 < i mean a computer game then yes that sounds fun

NEPETA: :33 < and you are a brave kitty, just like any other kind of purrsons wishes*

As usual, you fail to resist getting a kick out of his silly sun-bleached blue lady portraits. He would be more of these relationships, red or black, torrid or friendly. Trolls typically feel strongly compelled to lick it is the one to kill the white shells.

Voted! (Score 244)