CALLIOPE: ah, yes. i have the chance.
CALLIOPE: i know it woUld take so mUch to offer.
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < its like you were always full of yourself
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < jake is still over there...
GT: ok, well i am SURE weve had over the last few months.
GT: so i dunno what to say its been for me jane.
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < nepeta furgave you for that and anyways im not sure what matters to me
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < im not COMPLETELY sure because im not sure what to do with my tall curved back and shit, like cats do im pretty sure?*
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < there is a new and cool
Ok, you obviously don't have THAT much.