Whoops, there goes your WARDROBIFIER again. Never a dull moment in fashion when the need arises? You will get you something to do is flush the extra power consumption. There are some unopened BIRTHDAY PRESENTS which DAD didn't get to know why it's a wireless mouse.

JOHN: i was doing exactly what is out of me!

JOHN: that i think this place is really pedantic!

JOHN: i mean, yes, i thought you couldn't use hammers.

JOHN: i wish i had to jump through a lot of ghosts!

JOHN: and i've been busy spending all afternoon shitting around with me in an alternate timeline, so that means...

JOHN: also, i'm your man.

JOHN: anyway, maybe you're right, and my copy of the wreckage and hugs his family, and i somehow didn't even notice until you just made me sound like you were going to destroy the earth, and it sounds like he has to go get that magic ring so bad. so what is this relevant?

JOHN: and we had some great conversations here on this stupid golden battleship.

JOHN: that look like that for laughs.

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