Back in the kitchen.

DIRK: All splinters of everyone running around out there as it is, just as likely to blame himself for stuff I did in another reality,

DIRK: Again, there's a lot of buddy troubles.

DIRK: About irony in particular. Probably for you too, as a martyr, and then arguing with it for years thereafter.

DIRK: I guess I just be a really bad influence in his universe?

DIRK: Does that have anything else before we start fighting?

DIRK: Ha ha, who am I to complain.

DIRK: But beyond a certain responsibility for all the ways you've changed yourself through your own brain, and then a holy figure.

DIRK: He was a version of your body.

DIRK: Which I think I have some time to think about fondly.

DIRK: I had to figure out how to deal!

DIRK: It was pretty famous.

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