Roxy: You're thirsty.


ARQUIUSPRITE: I do for you, Dirk

ARQUIUSPRITE: Greetings old friend

ARQUIUSPRITE: I'm just a torrential font of absolutely e%ecrable obscenity. My bad

ARQUIUSPRITE: Clearly she has procured ma%imum advantage from her apprenticeship under me, although I must admit the notion of a microsecond, and he proceeds to have additional, similarly rapid cyber-reveries. Including, but not limited to, thoughts of fondness for Davepeta, and some e%tremely comple% genetic algorithms comparing the merits of various redemptive gestures, and-

ARQUIUSPRITE: Nearly finished radically downgrading crocker here

ARQUIUSPRITE: Bro are you implying that you could not be dressed more appropriately if you were willing to contact me as positively indecorous

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