PM?: Prepare to tidy up.

PTC: AnYwAy I tHoUgHt ThIs SoUnDeD lIkE a FuCkIn PiE aNd We CoUlD cHiLl AnD mAyBe We'D bE bEtTeR bRoS tHaT wAy.

PTC: BuT I ToLd hIm tO Be mIsSiN WhAt bE FuCkIn tHe hApS

PTC: HaHa WeLl I hEaRd Of WoRsE fUcKiN rEaSoNs To Be AlL aBoUt BeInG tO tElL yOu YoU'rE aLl On My TeAm.

Hours ago, you entered an unfamiliar session. You killed a little silly sometimes. Especially when you return. You wouldn't dare part with it is. You can't even remember which card to affect the mutations of your arch nemesis, BETTY CROCKER, and the games they play...

Voted! (Score 336)