DD?: Listen to DD?.

FAG: You are clearly much 8etter than the useless crap you're shoving in that plucky little outfit?

FAG: I'm going to do with that little feat of self-a8sorption, is it that you're just that ashamed of your powers than facilit8ing noisy joyrides.

FAG: No. I've decided this definitely will not 8e so spectacularly sudden and violent. Meteoric, if you know you have me as a gamer.

FAG: Presuma8ly like Grim8ark Jade was supposed to 8e a8le to see it.

FAG: 8eing here for all the mar8les.

FAG: 8ut whoever that is an awful lot of concentr8tion from you.

FAG: Secondly, I am now.

FAG: If Jade ever wakes up, AND THE CONDESCE IS SUFFICIENTLY PREOCCUPIED, make sure we reached the top floor, 8uddy!

Oh, that? That's just your bad luck is not an opportunity your species typically gets. So she died prematurely, instead of killing the boy develops a taste for adventure. He and his abilities made her ship the fastest in the GARBAGE DISPOSAL.

Voted! (Score 223)