Jade: Realize you can as fast as you can fly!

PTA: instead 0f underestimating the perspicacity 0f the s00n t0 be a part 0f my s0ul is sharing a sprite b0dy with FUCKING ERIDAN 0f all pe0ple.

PTA: wiill you at lea2t one group wiinniing.

PTA: ahahahah, yeah, what a my2teriiou2 thiing two do.

PTA: ii could pull 2o much for thii2, iit doe2n't make 2en2e, you're all out of here?

PTA: my marginal existence is fraught with s0 much p0intless duality and c0mplicated n0nsense, s0 i'm supp0sed t0 act 0ut what i w0uld be d0ing if that were p0ssible.

Looks like the quasi-future.

Voted! (Score 433)