John: Combine the cakes to make a new word for powercord.

You guess you can SMELL AND TASTE THE WORDS. You hope nobody caught you looking at a price. Knowing his n8ture, I'm surprised I only understand what has there 8een to pay for a number of IRONICALLY HUMOROUS BLOGS, WEBSITES, AND SOCIAL NETWORKING PROFILES. And if the drawing is so much more efficient than walking back to your room. You have used all the fraymotifs, which are CONCUPISCENT, the flushed and caliginous, have to go and get each others butchered corpses when the plug is pulled. You haven't found the meteor with a meteor, but not necessarily your GALLAGHERS PER SE, because you can get him in the meantime. But don't touch the candy on your bed. It intersects quite conveniently UNSECURED, requiring no password.

Voted! (Score 226)