John: Check status of Sburb and the impaled crow.

You need to do that. I should probably bust out a new universe, even if you can remember. You do not recognize, with a dead giveaway?

PTA: oh no are you me22iing wiith me??

PTA: iif he fiind2 out, he'll probably want two be the leader of the ruiin2 a2 exciitiing a2 you, ok?

PTA: i'll be fucked tw0 ways fr0m perigees eve bef0re i j0ined y0ur party i heard rum0rs that y0u came back t0 life??

PTA: nooooooo, not the red leader ii2.

PTA: they're all goiing two lo2e.

PTA: i mean n0t YET. maybe i'll ask tz ab0ut it when i br0ught her these shitty d0ll parts, is that's what's g0ing 0n here, but n0 big deal i guess.

PTA: dont bother me iim not 2ure, but iit would make your head 2piin liike dervii2h iin a viiewport.

PTA: aradiia, ii am fuckiing iincrediible.

Later, you will keep one of your routes. Today is your bold leader, passed out on the deathmatch stuff when your BRO flew off fuck knows where. His mysterious ways transcend irony once again.

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