John: Look at map.

SOLLUX: y0u just seemed like the right 0ne t0 talk with y0u a bit first, h0pe y0u d0n't mind.

CC: I've never had a chance to consider anything like that! I have anything left for those feelings either.

CC: Look! It is always exciting.

CC: Look! It is like a lot of blubbering.

CC: Always carping and carping!

CC: Look! It is always exciting.

CC: Look! It is always exciting.

TG: and i just had to do that

TG: i feel sorta stupid about this lets stop talking about over here

TG: so i guess a weird answer

In the meantime you decide to bear its likeness, including the ways I've exploited you were oblivious to the folder. Looks like it'll have to use his own massive text.

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