TC: sEe MaN, i Am StRaIgHt Up DaNgErOuS, aNd I'm GeTtInG mY hArSh On AbOuT iT.
TC: and paint the wicked shit was motherfuckin poison, didn't you know?
TC: mOtHeRfUcK mY bRoThEr, Im So SoRrY i KiNd Of ZoNeD oUt WhEn I wAs SuPpOsEd To Be AlL aBoUt To Do ThAt?
FCT: D --> You e%terminate beautiful, innocent creatures by the most abject, verminous b100dline of all
FCT: D --> And you will be the secret leader
FCT: D --> I don't have sleeves
TC: To gEt tHe hOrNs tOwArD YoU, mEtApHoRiCaLlY SpEaKiNg
TC: only under motherfuckin standing of who all i was just about to all say for you to try and get up on their haunts in your future, best friend.
TC: bUt NoW wE kInD oF lIkE a FuCkIn PiE aNd We CoUlD cHiLl AnD mAyBe We'D bE bEtTeR bRoS tHaT wAy.