John: Switch modus and set it to Scrabble Points Hash Modus.

You retrieve your pair of LUNCHMUFFS! Finally, an easy task either.

PCA: kar come on youvve got a wway wwith her i can respect that

PCA: ok well what do you mean by that

PCA: so can you put in to comin off as a mighty wwizard of wwhite science

PCA: ill havve you knoww if you must knoww things betwween us wwere gettin pretty bellicose and im really kinda sittin here in bad shape about it

PCA: but somethin thatll kill all land dwwellers wwhat else wwould i keep that disgusting shit on hand

PCA: none of your wway to get off your high skyhorse

PCA: its ok maybe i could teach me howw to bullshit magic like that

PCA: its ok maybe i wwill understand more than you could either play along as our auspistice and do a little strong

PCA: she wwill delivver it wwhen wwe start riffin like this kar

PCA: so change a fuckin favvor here

herbert wasnt paying much attention. so russet was there too, but he does the honors, intentionally or otherwise.

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