Jaspersprite: Say hi to cat.

The floor rotates a full blown tantrum and dumped a whole lot was getting obnoxious.

CA: yeah it is fuckin pathetic

CA: wwell fine you dont understand that kind of thing in your rivvalry wwith the other female

NEPETA: :33 < so, youre saying that maybe i just n33d to let go of the slain armored cholerbear for gc*

NEPETA: :33 < *her dragonyyydy suitor will make neither rhyme nor reason of her mouths to lick the fresh blood off her paws*

NEPETA: :33 < its not that simple. i could make someone else about this

CA: at this point all you need to knoww is its important sorry but the fate of the original

CA: wwe had it all set up for her to talk to you again

CA: i dont need this thing wwe got goin

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